Sunday, June 11, 2006

Cutting ties

Two weeks have slipped by, and finally my last day of work is upon me. I'm actually writing this at work because we're so slow today. (Even writing this sentence of course guarantees that we will be swamped the rest of the day, but I don't give a damn at this point!) To be honest, I cannot believe that I even lasted 9 months at this job because of the fiery hatred I have for cubicles and the sheep-like thinking they promote....however, I must say that it really is a tribute to the cool people I work with that I have remained gainfully employed here for so long. If I didn't have them to bitch with, I probably would have quit months ago!

So, I'm starting to sweat this Korea thing a little because my visa docs are not yet in order. I keep hearing from YBM (the company that owns the English Language Village that I'll be working at) that they will be sending my Visa Confirmation Number "very soon". I'm beginning to think this translates into the typical "3 to 5 business days" that usually means "when we get around to it, but possibly never". Once I get the number, I still have to submit my passport to the Korean Consulate in Chicago for them to stamp with the official visa. Without this, I will not be going to Korea. Hopefully, a delay in this process will not translate into YBM revoking my contract in favor of someone else being able to get there faster. If that happens, I will find a recruiter to get me a different teaching job in Korea because I am just too committed to the whole idea of it at this point.

Anyway, more to come as the deadline this point, these entries are really just a way of testing the system to make sure everybody who wants to read them is getting them.

Before I forget!! If you're in the Des Moines area, you are cordially invited to Tanner's bar on Saturday night, June 17th, for a farewell drink with yours truly. (It's across from the Hummer dealership at 100th and Hickman.) Hope to see you there!

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